Even though you’re sure to have questions and concerns about co-parenting, it’s something that you have to get on board with in the event of a divorce. If you shy away from the process or neglect to position yourself for success, it will harm your children in the long run.
Here are some of the many things you can do to make the most of co-parenting:
- Try to get along: In simple terms, there’s no point in searching for a fight with your ex-spouse. Your divorce is in the past and now you need to get along to provide your children with stability.
- Don’t put your children in the middle: As tempting as it may be, never speak poorly about your ex in front of your children. Instead, you should take the opposite approach by speaking positively at all times.
- Offer your support: There may be times when you can offer support for your ex. For example, if they need to change their visitation date and/or time, try to accommodate their request. Offering your support is one of the best ways to keep tension to a minimum.
- Don’t let your concerns linger: If you have concerns about your co-parenting arrangement or something your ex is doing, bring it to light in a respectful manner with the idea of finding a mutual solution. For instance, if your parenting style isn’t matching up with your ex’s, ask them for help finding middle ground.
Along with the above, it’s easier to make the most of co-parenting when you follow your parenting agreement and visitation schedule. You agreed to the terms and conditions during your divorce, so you should now let these guide you as you get up and running with co-parenting.
Despite your best efforts, you could find yourself dealing with one co-parenting issue after the next. This often comes into play if your ex doesn’t want to follow the terms of your parenting plan.
If you’ve tried everything and continue to run into trouble, learn more about your legal rights for requesting a modification. It may be the only way to protect your legal rights as a parent.