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Month: December 2021

Additional factors impacting LGBTQ discrimination

In many areas, such as in the workplace, discrimination against the LGBTQ community is illegal. All people are supposed to have the same options and get the same treatment, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In practice, however, this does not...

5 Maneras de superar conflictos de crianza compartida

Aun hoy, muchas personas creen que un divorcio traerá resultados negativos para los chicos. Sin embargo, las consecuencias de un divorcio podrán ser negativas o positivas dependiendo de cómo se enfrente la situación a futuro, y de cómo la situación era con...

Does your divorce decree need a non-disclosure agreement?

When well-known people divorce, we sometimes hear about non-disclosure clauses being included in their divorce agreement to prevent either from speaking or writing publicly about the break-up. Some songwriters have become known for using their break-ups as creative...