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Modification of Your Divorce Decree

After the tumultuous process of divorce, there are many crucial matters to address, including modifications to your divorce decree. In Chicago, Illinois, couples seeking a modification to their divorce judgment must navigate the complexities of the legal system, which...

Parentage and Child Custody for Same-Sex Couples

In 2015, Illinois passed the Parentage Act. This provides parentage guidelines for same-sex partners. According to this act, a person can be presumed parent of a child under the age of eighteen in the following situations: Spouses were married in a civil union when...

Will Mediation Be Helpful in My Chicago Divorce?

Saying you want to get divorced is one thing, but as anyone who has successfully finalized their divorce knows, agreeing to the complex terms of a divorce with a soon-to-be ex-spouse is another thing entirely. Divorcing couples are required to negotiate and...

Is My Spouse Abusive or Do We Just Fight a Lot?

All couples fight - in fact, relationship experts say that couples who do not fight may be in deeper trouble than those who fight frequently. However, what is key for a healthy relationship is that a couple fights fairly and that they can come back together after...

How Do We Divide Our Belongings in an Illinois Divorce?

An Illinois divorce has several important issues that must be resolved. If there are minor children, child support and custody schedules need to be decided. The question of whether spousal support should be paid needs to be answered. Finally, couples need to divide...

You Can Get Divorced, Even From a Violent Spouse

Domestic abuse victims frequently stay with their abusers because they fear an increase in dangerous violence if they try to leave. Unfortunately, research supports the idea that abusers often do become more dangerous when their victims end the relationship. But that...

When Do Alimony Payments End in Illinois?

Regardless of whether a spouse is paying or receiving alimony (technically known as “spousal maintenance” in Illinois), each party will want to know when, and under what circumstances, alimony payments might end. While more women in the workforce and greater equity...