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Child Custody

Alienation claims can threaten a woman’s custody rights

When you think of custody, you probably imagine a situation where fathers are fighting for custody while mothers have the upper hand. While that might have been the truth decades ago, it's not the case now. Both parents are seen as potential positive influences in...

Relocating as the co-parent of an Illinois child

Sharing custody of children with a former spouse can be an already challenging adventure. Having to move has a way of raising the stakes considerably. Illinois has recently updated relocation laws The laws about divorced parents relocating with a child were more...

My spouse and I filed for divorce. How will custody be decided?

Going through a divorce is stressful enough on its own. When you and your spouse also have children together, your stress level may rise exponentially. You might be constantly worrying about their well-being and how they are holding up mentally. Additionally, you...