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Year: 2021

What is parental time abuse and how can it be solved?

Often, the courts in Illinois will set out a custody arrangement between spouses. This can be done willingly or may be enforced if necessary. However, there are occasions where one parent will repeatedly violate an arrangement that has been put in place. Such...

Differing attitudes about money can be insurmountable for spouses

One of the biggest sources of conflict for many couples – and one that often leads to divorce — is money. The conflicts over money don't have to center around not having enough. Wealthy couples often fight about money, and the most serious conflicts are likely to be...

Is uncontested divorce a viable option?

When thinking about divorce, it would be fair to assume that matters such as child support and property division are settled in the court room with the representation of attorneys. However, this doesn't have to be the case. In fact, most couples tend to settle their...

¿Puede estar felizmente divorciado?

El proceso del divorcio es doloroso y complicado, pero siempre hay una razón detrás de esa decisión. Quedarse en una relación tóxica sólo empeoraría la situación, por lo que usted no debe ver el divorcio como algo de lo que hay que avergonzarse. De hecho, hay varias...

How to decide if divorce is right for you

The decision to get divorced is never easy to make. You may no longer feel comfortable in your marriage. Still, you see some good things in your spouse and don't want to risk losing them just because you are unhappy at the moment. This feeling is normal, and it is...

Illinois is one of the few states where you can share pet custody

When you divorce, you have to split up parental responsibilities and your shared property with your ex. There is one aspect of your divorce where those two issues overlap, and that is when you have a pet or companion animal in your family. For years, Illinois, along...

Remember, kids have rights during and after your divorce

A sometimes devastating byproduct of divorce involves losing track of your children's needs and their rights as individuals. Just because they are young and perhaps not ready to make their own decisions, that does not mean their rights are unimportant. One of the best...

CPD set to liaison with LGBTQ community

The relationship between the Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the LGBTQ community has a troubling past, including allegations of sexual misconduct by an officer toward a transgender woman. However, the city was also the setting for numerous polarizing moments in...

Setting boundaries can be crucial for co-parents

Co-parenting after divorce can be a challenge. That said, when parents continue to be active participants in their child's life and are respectful of each other, the arrangement can benefit everyone. To make the situation easier, parents can set some healthy...