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Year: 2021

Additional factors impacting LGBTQ discrimination

In many areas, such as in the workplace, discrimination against the LGBTQ community is illegal. All people are supposed to have the same options and get the same treatment, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In practice, however, this does not...

5 Maneras de superar conflictos de crianza compartida

Aun hoy, muchas personas creen que un divorcio traerá resultados negativos para los chicos. Sin embargo, las consecuencias de un divorcio podrán ser negativas o positivas dependiendo de cómo se enfrente la situación a futuro, y de cómo la situación era con...

Does your divorce decree need a non-disclosure agreement?

When well-known people divorce, we sometimes hear about non-disclosure clauses being included in their divorce agreement to prevent either from speaking or writing publicly about the break-up. Some songwriters have become known for using their break-ups as creative...

LGTBQ discrimination breaks federal and Illinois laws

As a member of the LGTBQ community, you contribute to Chicago. You know you are welcome in your community. Yet, you may face both subtle and blatant forms of prejudice in your workplace. After you came out, you may have known that you would experience discrimination....

How is custody determined in an Illinois same-sex divorce?

While it has been slow going, members of the LGBTQA community are steadily gaining more and more rights like everyone else. While same-sex partnership is now legal throughout the nation, some legal issues are still quite difficult for same-sex couples to navigate. One...

3 ways to help children through a divorce

Not only is the divorce process stressful on both spouses, but it may also have a significant impact on the children. Whilst the best interests of the children will always be at the heart of a parent's decisions, it is not always easy to know which route to take....

Surrogacy 101 for future fathers

The love you have for your spouse is infinite, and now you want to share that love with a person that both of you can raise and take care of. Although the possibility of adoption is open, you may want a child with your or your loved one's genetics. Fortunately, you...

Reducing divorce conflict is best for the children

If you're going through a divorce as a parent, you should aim to reduce conflict as much as you can. At least attempt to be civil with your ex as you sort things out. This may not feel fair. Maybe they were unfaithful to the marriage, and you feel like your outrage is...

Name changes, job hunts and transphobia in the workplace

It wasn't until the Supreme Court stepped in and ruled that the Title VII prohibitions against sexual discrimination apply to transgender employees that trans people gained any measure of security in their workplace. That doesn't always help trans workers get past the...